
Dimensions of sport pitches and courts

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When we watch sports from a high angle view camera on TV, courts and pitches look much smaller than they really are and the sportsmen look like tiny figurines.

Unless we are stadium frequenters ourselves, little do we know about the actual pitch sizes. The tables below list the pitch sizes according to the official English guidelines.

Did you know?

Pitch sizes may differ within the same sport. Sometimes, there are individual dimension guidelines given for juniors. Or, there is a minimum and maximum size range for a pitch. Additional dimensions, like the size of the penalty box or the goals in football, are also a subject to the sports associations’ official guidelines.

Outdoor sports - preferred basic* pitch dimensions (metres)
American Football
90-yard shortened pitch: 95.10 x 48.77
100-yard full pitch: 109.73 x 48.77
27.43 x 27.43 or
99.05 x 99.05
28 x 15
40 x 40
Cricket (senior)
20.12 x 18.30 or
20.12 x 27.45 or
20.12 x 36.60
Football (senior)
100 x 64
91.4 x 55
30.5 x 15.25
Rounders (senior)
20 x 12
100 x 70
36.57 x 18.29
Wheelchair rugby
40 x 20

Indoor sports - preferred basic* pitch size dimensions (metres)
13.4 x 6.1 x 6.7
28 x 15 x 7
36.5 x 4.6 x 4.5-6.0
31.02 x 3.6 x 7.7
Football (Five-A-Side)
25 x 16.5 x 7.5 (minimum)
50 x 35 x 7.5 (maximum)
34 x 20 x 7
44 x 22
Judo (senior)
8 x 8
30.5 x 15.25 x 7.5
Table tennis
8 x 4 x 3
18 x 9 x 7.5
Wheelchair rugby
28 x 15 x 7

*Run-offs etc. not included

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Opinions - Dimensions of sport pitches and courts


Opinions - Dimensions of sport pitches and courts


Top Discussions

~ hennas 2023-01-19 10:34:23

i though highland in scotland may have made the list tbh

~ pcp 2021-07-23 05:33:13

Technically Scotland doesn't count because they abolished the use of counties, hence why Inverness shire is not on the list.

~ dcd 2021-07-04 17:15:54

What happened to Invernessshire? at 10,907 km2 it is the biggest. Argyllshire would be up there too. 8,055 km2. This seems...