
1 rood: how many perches, square miles, square yards, square inches, cm2, m2, km2, hectares?

0 677

Rood is an English unit of area (and an obsolete measure of length) which has been in common use up to the 20th century.

It was originally established as a rectangular piece of land with dimensions of 10x40 rods (also known as ‘poles’; 1 rod = 5.5 yd or 5.0292 m).

Below you will find other conversions from rood to imperial and metric units of area.


1 rood =
10 890 sq ft
 40 sq rods (perches)
1 210 sq yds
1 568 000 sq in
0.0003906sq miles
10 120 000cm2
1 012m2
0.1012 hectares
10.12 ares

Did you know?

The word ‘rood’ is also an Old English term for the cross, especially with reference to the one on which Jesus Christ was crucified as in one of the oldest English poems, The Dream of the Rood.

Have you ever seen roods being used as a measure of area nowadays?

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Opinions - 1 rood: how many perches, square miles, square yards, square inches, cm2, m2, km2, hectares?


Opinions - 1 rood: how many perches, square miles, square yards, square inches, cm2, m2, km2, hectares?


Top Discussions

~ hennas 2023-01-19 10:34:23

i though highland in scotland may have made the list tbh

~ pcp 2021-07-23 05:33:13

Technically Scotland doesn't count because they abolished the use of counties, hence why Inverness shire is not on the list.

~ dcd 2021-07-04 17:15:54

What happened to Invernessshire? at 10,907 km2 it is the biggest. Argyllshire would be up there too. 8,055 km2. This seems...